What I'm working on and with as of Jul 11, 2023

Better One On Ones - Better One on Ones.comImproving 1:1 meetings at work one at a time

  1. SvelteKit w/ Typescript

    SvelteKit is a framework for building full stack apps with Svelte. Like NuxtJS or Next.js, but for Svelte instead of React.

  2. SQLite

    File based SQL database. Typescript has a lot of different options for a driver. They're all fine, but slightly weird in their own way.

  3. Cloudflare

    Cloudflare is a platform of tools for building web and mobile apps with a generous free tier. This project is using Pages (their hosting service)

Stuff I Use - stuffiuse.app/@jdoconnorA "link in bio" type site for gear

  1. SvelteKit w/ Typescript

    SvelteKit is a framework for building full stack apps with Svelte. Like NuxtJS or Next.js, but for Svelte instead of React.

  2. Firebase

    Firebase is a platform of tools for building web and mobile apps with a generous free tier. This project uses RemoteConfig and Analytics.

  3. Cloudflare

    Cloudflare is a platform of tools for building web and mobile apps with a generous free tier. This project is using Pages (their hosting service) and D1 (sqlite database)